Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Attack of the Drunk Geek

For all those who don't know, I'm doing my Masters in Physics right now (yeah go ahead and gimme that reaction I always get). The night that Basu pretty much marched his shame away, I didn't too well for myself either! Now, I'm very sure this story has been blown out of proportion, but since I can't remember most of it, I have to take dear friend PS'(yet again) word for it, who is by the way, a brilliant cook when comes to adding spice.
So, that same night I happened to stay over at PS' place after the party. This is how it has been narrated traditionally:
"Bud(my nickname back in the day, not short for Budweiser mind you; not yet atleast) was lying on the bed. He suddenly started fiddling around, till he found a torch. (My intervention: what kind of a wimpish jackass sleeps with a torch by his pillow! End Intervention.) He picked up the torch kept switching it on and off several times in a periodic pattern. And then suddenly he wakes me(PS) up and says, 'dekh!dekh! Interference fringes on the fan!' at 1 in the night!" A short caricature was made a day later showing me lying in a ditch with a glass of coke rum (till date my favourite drink) screaming "Interference!"
I vehemently deny the story till date.
I am not, was not, will not be, THAT geeky.

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