Thursday, March 27, 2008

T Recalls her Math aka Whack!

My friend T(previously known as *) has a weird habit. When she's drunk, she smiles a lot(thats not the weird habit), and then she gets into this spanking frenzy. And it doesn't take much. In all likelihood it'd probably take a teaspoon to get her high and then the painful games begin!
We went to this one party once upon a time, sometime during my responsible drunkard phase where I used to conveniently acquire a hypocritical stance on people getting drunk. "I drink to enjoy the drink, I will never get drunk" (A statement I give half a rat's ass about now!). So while I "enjoyed" my one vodka sprite in a corner talking to some of my friends, T did pretty much the same. Except that 1 vodka sprite is a few teaspoons too many for someone with that kinda capacity. All said and done, T is a lot of fun when drunk (most people are, really). So within minutes while I watched from the sidelines, T went on a spanking spree, still vehemently insisting she wasn't drunk. After practically every guy on the terrace had a red ass (only guys known well to her, let me clarify, I respect her integrity), my pal Nag and I decided to lay a booby trap for her. We went up to her:
Us: "T you're drunk"
T(smiling from ear to ear):"No!"
Us: "Alright, prove it! Recite the tables of 13"
T: "Uh...Oh...Um...wait...(starting to dance, hopping from one foot on to another) 13 ones are 13, 13 twos are 26,13 threes are 39...(completes till 91)...SEE!!"
Us: "Yeah awesome!!how about 17?"
T: "Damn you assholes...ok...wait...13 ones are...oh no...17 ones are 17, 17 twos are...wait...carry over one...haan 34, 17 threes are...damn it...uh...51...(painstakingly goes on to complete till 102)"
After she was proudly done,
T: "See!!!I'M NOT DRUNK!"
.......(prolonged silence of 5 seconds)

Us: "Nope, sorry you're drunk! Nobody in their sane mind agrees to recite the tables of 13 and 17 to a crowd!"


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