Sunday, April 6, 2008

What a Wonderful World...Part 2

Nitin and I have a drunk song and dance routine. Everytime we've got drunk at Golden Dragon, we've walked back at 1, dancing and singing to the tunes of 'War' by the Fuller Four. If that doesn't strike a bell, maybe this will. Remember that song Jackie Chan keeps singing in Rush Hour?

This time was no different. We came back, merry, jolly, high and most importantly, far away from the sounds of BA's love ballads. By the time we reached my colony gate, we were pretty 'happy' and we had to put up a nice face for the guard to let us through. Once inside, the fun began. I should've seen the signs when senor Jose started pointing to the stars and screaming "Lights in the sky!". Little did I know that this was just the beginning. The good thing however was that I started logging all the activities on my phone, to save and embarrass for posterity!

Rewind to October (The last trip to Golden Dragon in the aforementioned company):

[There's a small school in front of my house whose wall was broken down for some temporary construction work. The last time we'd gone to GD, and my dear friend, in a state of drunken stupor, entered the school building and used the school's toilet!]

Forward back to 9th Jan:

Nitin Jose then started narrating to me a story from the last time he was in the school. Very concisely put (not paraphrased), "Thats a spooky place, the last time I went to the loo there, I saw a ghost. The ghost was peeing too!". We planned then to just sit in my car and listen to some rock, because sitting out in the open in such a conditon was out of question. So I left him inside my car and went off to collect my stereo. When I came back, I found him in the driver's seat, giving the car a full overall exam and adjusting the rearview mirror and driving a car which had no keys in it! Keyphrase of the night, "The car's in neutral". For some reason at 1 in the night, a Tamil ad came on air. This sort of pushed my friend over the edge (reasons unknown). For the 3rd time, (again, for reasons unknown), he started counting in Telugu (A language I certify, we have never ever encountered in our short, mundane existences). "Onnu, Rendu, Moodu, Naalu..."(god knows if thats right, even if remotely).
While the revelry drew to its highest point while we sat and listened to Eric Clapton's 'Cocaine', and danced away (somehow) inside the car to sounds of hip hop as well, a very bemused security guard approached my car with a big question mark on his face. In short, the conversation I had with him(with a ear to ear grin) was nothing short of brilliant. On no less than three occassions I offered him my car keys to take us out on a drive, for I believed he had trust issues with me. Needless to say, the fellow got sufficiently freaked out and ran off. So did we. Before anyone else with more courage could come to confront us. Great end to the evening.

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